Team Members:  4IT
1- Shrouk Abdelwence Sayed   200181
2- Feryal Mohamed Abdelsatter 200267
3- Hager Salah Abdallah 200419
Problem Statement:

Many individuals struggle to achieve their fitness goals due to a lack of access to comprehensive exercise training, personalized diet plans, and reliable sources for buying or selling exercise tools.
Additionally, the overwhelming amount of information available online often leads to confusion and inconsistency in the fitness journey.
BFit Training App
BFit is a fitness app that aims to provide a comprehensive solution for individuals looking to improve their fitness levels, achieve their health goals, and engage in a seamless fitness experience.

The app combines exercise training, personalized diet plans, and a marketplace for buying or selling exercising tools, creating a one-stop platform for all fitness needs.
We aim to give you good experience with our training app to help you to be fully fit.

Their characteristics:
Ages: any age
Education: Literate
Language: Arabic
Technological experience: High - owns and can easily use a smartphone
Motivation: The urgent need to maintain health, reach the ideal weight, and achieve a balance in healthy food
Attitude: High - Human health is one of the most important priorities of all

1#AI Trainer

Taking a tour in the app and its reviews, we find that its Features:
1. User-friendly interface and ease of use.
2. Offers a variety of algorithms and models for training.
3. Allows customization of data and parameters to suit user needs.
4. Provides reports and statistics on model performance.
And its Drawbacks:
1. Limited customization options for some advanced use cases.
2.Some users may require more guidance or support to fully understand how to use certain features.

Taking a tour in the app and its reviews, we find that its Features:
1. Personalized Workout Plans: iTrainer offers customized workout plans tailored to users' fitness levels, goals, and preferences.
2. Comprehensive Fitness Tracking: It integrates with wearable technology to track various fitness metrics like heart rate, calories burned, and progress over time.
3. Nutrition Guidance: The app offers nutrition guidance, including meal plans and tracking features.

And its Drawbacks:

1. Subscription Cost: iTrainer operates on a subscription model, which may be a financial burden for some users.
2. Complexity for Beginners: With an extensive range of features, the app can be overwhelming for beginners.
3. Limited Offline Functionality: The app's reliance on internet connectivity for most of its features can be a drawback in areas with poor connection.

Taking a tour in the app and its reviews, we find that its Features:
1. Arabic Language Support: Rashaqa is fully localized with Arabic language support, making it accessible and user-friendly for Arabic-speaking users.
2. Culturally Relevant Content: The app offers workout and meal plans that are culturally relevant to its user base, incorporating traditional Middle Eastern diets and exercises.
3. User Community: Rashaqa fosters a strong community of users who share similar cultural backgrounds, allowing for shared experiences within the app environment.
4. Integrated Prayer Times: Unique to its cultural focus, the app integrates prayer times and allows users to schedule workouts.

And its Drawbacks:

1. Regional Availability: Rashaqa might have limited functionality or availability outside the Middle East, restricting access for users in other regions who may benefit from its unique features.
2. Device Compatibility: Rashaqa may not be fully optimized across all devices, leading to potential performance issues on older or less common smartphones and tablets, affecting user experience.
3. Content Diversity: While culturally relevant, the content may not cater to the diverse fitness levels or interests of all users.
4. Data Usage: The app's rich media content and location-based services can consume significant data.
The interview results:


-A prevalent theme among trainees is their strong drive for self-improvement and wellness enhancement.
-Many interviewees expressed a desire to achieve specific fitness goals, such as weight loss, muscle gain, or overall health lifestyle.
-This underscores the effectiveness of our app in catering to a diverse range of user objectives, allowing individuals to tailor their fitness journey according to their unique needs.
-Additionally, trainees highlighted the user-friendly interface and accessibility of the app as significant factors contributing to their positive experience.

2#Diet Interested:

-Following interviews conducted with users interested in dieting within our fitness app, several noteworthy observations have surfaced, shedding light on their motivations, challenges, and expectations.
Primarily, interviewees showcased a profound commitment to improving their dietary habits and overall health.
-Many expressed a keen interest in understanding nutrition principles, seeking guidance on creating balanced meal plans, and learning strategies to manage their calorie intake effectively.
-This underscores the crucial role of dieting in their broader fitness journey, highlighting the holistic approach our app adopts in addressing users' wellness needs comprehensively.

3#Fitness Product Sellers:

-Interviews with fitness product sellers within our fitness app ecosystem reveal a deep understanding of market dynamics and consumer preferences.
-Sellers prioritize quality and innovation, recognizing their pivotal role in driving consumer engagement.
Leveraging technology, they effectively connect with customers and provide personalized support, underscoring the importance of digital platforms in enhancing sales strategies.
-Sellers also express a desire for collaboration within the app ecosystem, highlighting opportunities for partnerships to enrich the user experience.
4.Fitness Product Buyers:

-Interviews conducted with fitness product buyers within our fitness app ecosystem have yielded insightful perspectives on their purchasing behaviours, preferences, and expectations.
-Primarily, buyers demonstrate a strong inclination towards products that align with their fitness goals and lifestyle preferences.
-They prioritize quality, durability, and functionality when making purchasing decisions, seeking products that offer tangible benefits and value for money.
-Additionally, buyers value user reviews and recommendations within the app, relying on peer feedback to inform their purchasing choices and ensure product satisfaction.

important tasks for Trainees:

1. Logging In
   1.1 Tap on the "Login" or "Sign In" button on the app's welcome screen.
   1.2 Enter the registered email address or username in the provided field.
   1.3 Step 4: Input the associated password in the password field.
   1.4 Step 5: Tap on the "Login" button to submit the credentials.

2. Setting Goals
   2.1 Define specific fitness goals (e.g., weight loss, muscle gain, healthy lifestyle).
   2.2  Establish measurable objectives (e.g., target weight, strength milestones, running distance).
   2.3  Determine a timeline for achieving goals (e.g., short-term, long-term).
   2.4  Determine a target for achieving goals (e.g., 5 kg as target lose weight).

3. Exploring Content
   3.1 Browse available workout programs, exercises, and routines.
   3.2 Review descriptions and previews to assess suitability and interest.
   3.3 Filter content based on preferences (e.g., duration, intensity, equipment required).

4. Selecting Workouts
   4.1 Choose a workout program or individual routines aligned with goals and preferences.
   4.2 Consider factors such as fitness level, time availability, and equipment accessibility.
   4.3 Schedule workouts into weekly or monthly plans for consistency.

5. Tracking Progress
   5.1 Log completed workouts, including duration, intensity, and perceived effort.
   5.2 Monitor improvements over time to stay motivated and adjust goals as needed.
   5.3 see the workouts progress details

6. Seeking Support and Feedback
   6.1 Ask questions and seek clarification on exercises, techniques, or program details.
   6.2 Request modifications or alternatives for exercises to accommodate individual needs or limitations.
   6.3 Provide feedback on workouts, programs, and app features to improve user experience.
Domain model
Paper Prototype UI Screens:
BFIt Training App

BFIt Training App
